Construction Updates

More Clearing at Carmichael

Early May 2024 saw some more clearing in preparation for the Trailhead at Carmichael.

Picnic Tables at Valley

In mid March 2024 we installed some picnic tables at the Valley Trailhead.

Special thanks to our donor, @cyberfit2.0. Your support has truly made a difference in enhancing the Trailway experience for everyone.

Clearing near Bird Hill

In early March 2024, we were lucky to have a group of young men assist us with some debushing and general clearing.

Youngsters from the Purpose 180 Foundation and their mentors came out to pull weeds, move rocks and generally cleaned up a section of the trail in the Bird Hill/Salters section of the Trailway.

Farm Crossing at Valley

Also in January 2024, some concrete crossing at the Demo Stretch at The Valley, St. George were completed.

These crossing allow heavy farm vehicles to cross the Trailway without damaging the paving.

Barriers at Valley

In January 2024, we completed the installation of barriers at both ends of the paved section of the Demo Stretch at The Valley, St. George.

These barriers prevent most motor vehicles from entering the trail. Cyclists have to slow down before crossing junctions, but do not have to dismount.

Youth Tree Planting

In September 2023, we were lucky to have two groups of teenagers assist with some more tree planting.

Youngsters from the Police Juvenile Liaison Scheme planted trees on 14 September and youngsters from the Irving Wilson School planted trees on 22 September.

AnsaMcAl Tree Planting

On 18 August, a team of volunteers from the AnsaMcAl Group of Companies came out and helped plant trees along the Carmichael/Buttals section of the Trailway.

The Trailway Project and Future Centre Trust would like to express their gratitude for the financial contribution made by AnsaMcAl.

More info.

June Construction Update

In preparation for the rainy season and the planting of trees, we have started clearing between Carmichael and Windsor.

As we move eastwards, we come across a number of structures that appear to have been built to deal with drainage. Most of them have not seen any maintenance and need proper restoration.

Fresh Milk / Public Art

The collection of artistic interventions project, a collaboration between The Fresh Milk Art Platform, Future Centre Trust, Environ Ltd (Adopt A Stop Barbados) and The Healing Arts Initiative in partnership with Culturunners, was launched at the Carmichael/Trailway crossing on the Barbados Trailway on 29 April 2023.

Bridge at Bulkeley - restoration

In early 2023, renowned coral stone mason and former road cycling national champion Colin 'Top Cat' Alleyne restored the old railway bridge between Bulkeley Factory and Carmichael Road.

The work was made possible by a generous donation from the Peter Moores Barbados Trust.

Shelter at Carmichael

In late April 2023, a midsize shelter was erected at the junction of the Trailway with Carmichael Road in St. George.

It is close promixity to the old railway bridge between Bulkeley Factory and Carmichael Road.


When completed, they will include some railing and act as chicanes, preventing vehicular access while allowing pedestrians and cyclists to pass through them without having to open or close any gates. 

Benches at Valley

Some benches were added at Valley in November 2022

Bridge at Bulkeley - clearing

In early August 2022, volunteers from the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award program helped clearing bush that was hiding an old railway bridge near Bulkeley.

Bridge Foundations at Three Houses

In August 2022, after clearing the short section just south of the stream emanating from the Three Houses Spring, a group of volunteers manually cleared around the remains of the original railway bridge foundations.

More clearing at Three Houses

Between May and August 2022, we used construction equipment to clear a few more sections at Three Houses.

We were particularly interested in the section just south of the stream emanating from the Three Houses Spring. 

Grading at Harrow

In July 2022 we starting grading the Harrow Plantation section and digging holes in preparation for tree planting events.

Clearing and Grading

After clearing dense bush and small trees with an excavator in February, and more debushing in May, a grader leveled sections of the Trailway between Bushy Park and Fortescue. (June 2022)

Debushing and Maintenance

As the adjacent cane is being cut, some debushing and maintenance was done at Valley and Constant in early June 2022.

Clearing at Three Houses

Clearing sections at Three Houses, Vineyard and Bushy Park continued in May 2022.

The work included debushing, grading and reclamation of the original track bed that had been incorporated into agricultural fields and where the original trail had been diverted.

Clearing at Three Houses

In February 2022 we started clearing sections at Three Houses, Vineyard and Bushy Park.

The work included the clearing of a watercourse, removal of illegally dumped garbage and reclamation of the original track bed that had been incorporated into agricultural fields and where the original trail had been diverted.

Parking at Valley

In January and February, work continued on the parking lot at Valley, which is being funded primarily by the Tourism Development Corporation.

The Trailway Project and Future Centre Trust would like to express their gratitude for the contributions made by Joe Brooker's Building Limited, Ready-Mix Limited and BRC West Indies Ltd.

Parking at Valley

In December, work started on the parking lot at Valley, which is being funded primarily by the Tourism Development Corporation.

Clearing at Constant

Work continued at Constant Plantation in November, in preparation for the next section of the Demo Stretch.

First, the bush is cleared, then the terrain is levelled and graded.

Emera Caribbean Tree Planting

On 12 November, a team of 13 members of Emera Caribbean office staff came out and helped plant trees along the newly paved section at Valley East.

The Trailway Project and Future Centre Trust would like to express their gratitude for the financial contribution made by Emera Caribbean.

Valley Shelter

On 4 October 2021, the teams from Adopt-A-Stop Barbados and Crane & Equipment erected the first shelter the Valley Trailhead in St. George.

A small parking lot, benches and signage are also planned.

Valley East Paving

After some delays because of heavy rain, the team at CO Williams Construction completed the paving of the next 300m on 8 September 2020.

This section is part of the Demo Stretch and is called "Valley East".

It is flat and straight and has room for about 100 fruit trees.

Palm Relocation

When construction work for the Barbados Water Authority at Spring Garden Highway threatened the cutting down of some palms, the Trailway Team sprang into action and quickly moved over 30 Royal Palms, Fiji Palms and Cotton Palms.

These palms now mark crossings and other highlights along the Trailway in the Salters/Valley area.

DEIA Tree Planting

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award is a programme that equips young people for life and work. Having started in Great Britain in 1957, it was established in Barbados in 1963. Its Mission is to inspire young Barbadians to challenge themselves to gain life skills through fun, exciting, quality activities.

This year participants in the Gold Level Programme had the opportunity to help plant a number of fruit trees along the Trailway.

Clearing at Salters

In August the Trailway Team continued clearing sections of the Trailway west of the Demo Stretch.

This included the disposal of some of the remaining supports for a gas pipeline that the Barbados National Petroleum Corporation did not remove when they buried the pipeline some 10 years ago.

Preparation for Paving

Grading, leveling and laying of a marl foundation for the next 300m of paving were completed in July 2021.

WIRRED/FLOW Tree Planting

Through the One Tree for Every Bajan program funded by the Cable and Wireless Foundation/Flow, WIRRED worked with the Future Centre Trust and The Caribbean Permaculture Research Institute of Barbados (CPRI) to plant trees along the trail.

Many thanks to all our wonderful volunteers including members of the St. Gabriel's Sea Scouts, the Barbados Boy Scouts Association and UWI students from the Caribbean Tree Planting Week project; and our wonderful team who ensured the event ran smoothly.